Saturday, July 09, 2005

Go West, Young Man!

"Aristotle had it all wrong! Woman are not deformed men. From a biological perspective, men are deformed woman!"
-Chris West

This case is. The one particular instance in which cloning is morally acceptable.
..I don't know if Chris WEST HAS A BROTHER! If not, I see no theological, ethical, or philosophical discrepancy in cloning him!!!!!!! Hahahaha!
Just kidding! Cloning is wrong. End of story, for now... ( Just wait til I become an "ethicist"- mwahaha, JK!) But, let me get into the good stuff...I just went to the Catholic Family Expo conference. Yes. If lost, here are Sophia directions
1. Open eyes
2. See a parking lot filled to capacity with 15-passenger-vans
3. Pull into parking lot.

Probly alot of Catholics around...or rabbit breeders. But, to speak in terms unhindered and unabashed: I am changed forever. End of story, for now... You see, I don't get excited about things very often...most of my friends do so on a somewhat momentary basis... for example, with coffee, (disclaimer: declaration of intense affection to Maria, chronic-caffeine-overdoser, Holly, passionate-artistic-obssessor, Catherine, self- proclaimed- food- proclaim- er- ator, whatever). If they like it, well, you know it. Yah don't just know it when they like something, you know it, in an almost biblical sense of the term! (and I never exagerate :) Now, I can only rememeber approx. 3 occasions when I actually, definetely, positively, for sure, for real, no lie, no joke, damn straight and you bet yer bottom dollar took immense pleasure in something so as to say, for example, with a satisfied sigh and distinct palm-slam to the table: "Now, thaaat. That. Was good coffee". One time was World Youth Day 2002, NOT the coffee, haha, but experiencing JP2 firsthand. Save that story for another day. Second, one amazing eggplant sauce from Ukraine or Hungary or I dunno Europe somewhere- more on this later. Third, Christopher West: experiencing JP2 second-hand through him. He spoke at the conference. I read his work before, but there is an immense difference between, for ex., reading this blog which I am writing now, and actually engagingme (PETER, HOLLY, JOHN ZOSACK- I looove you guys! John! I know the Papa would be proud of you for using this term so approprietely, lol) and being engaged by the fullness of a human person, by a person, a person i s truly so amazing!!!! in all their strange and poetic and complex and confusing and harmonious intercourse of body and soul and the beautiful motion of life from atoms smoothly flowing in a slow dancing invisible life-streams, LIfe! continually springing from this mysterious fountain of breath---- life! breeeathed into his nostrils in every instance of life once more being impregnated in the body in this very second. OK: I am sorry ppl- as of now i have no idea who/what i'm talking about...i think i mean the general existence of the human race..anyways we'll leave the interpretation up to some Ph. D, M. A. prof when I've been dead a while...where was I? yes- the person....even 1000 volumes written by one man can never fully reveal the essence of that man to you...(credit to this idea to Prof. Jenislawski, Theo 202) as depressing as that is....we can't even really get into Shakespeare's head (sorry, Holly-O-Dolly) and when you are i the presence of this person, the dynamic nature of life can be man one life..its a is a miracle...breathing is a miracle...and I just thought of this a second ago...but how amazing is this...when GOd breated life into Adam...."he breathed into his nostril the breath of life" first of all: HOW AMAZING WOULD THAT HAVE FELT, but to the point, we know from philosophy and theology, not only that a creature by nature must be continually created, but not only this, but GOd continually LOVE US INTO BEING....which mean that -- EVERY BREATH IS THAT FRIST BREATH OF ADAM....when God breathed into him the breath of life...creation is not an act in the past it is don't hold yer breath amici, participate in the creative action of GOd....yah know i diden't even get to the point yet...but i'm tooo tired now..tell the rest later....peace....GTG watch the brittas empire show, all should watch...( btw, that is one thing i also liked alOt, lol)


Blogger Velvet said...

i'd go so far as to say she's a REDEEMED lucky woman :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 2:15:00 PM  

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