In the past...
... 20 years i've only actually lived 3,285 days (that's acually in 19 years... if i knew how many days were in each month i'd figure out exactly what number day this is)... my good friend Katie, formerly a member of the US Nationals gymnastics team, has pretty much decided to become a nun. she has wanted it ever since she can remember... always has... and now she seems... there is definetely something surreal about her... yesterday morning she was walking towards me as i was coming out of Egan... i actually diden't recognize her, even when i was fully apprehending her! ... she seriously, in 100% honestly looks like a different person... her face has always been pretty, but she is like somehow way prettier now, ironically, she looks how you might imagine a girl to look when she finds out she's pregnant with the baby of the man she loves, thats how katie looks, [lol, please nobody mention to her the "yeah- sophia thinks you look pregnant!" hahaha] but i mean, since this decision she made, it takes me awhile to recognize- oh! hey! katie!- its a suprise... like a weird, calm glow from her face--it has a different tinge of light, almost like a soul-shimmer as if she turns in the light no matter where the sun is resting... but its not really like that, of course, since its something metaphysical... i dunno.. i can't explain it...
Um.. what is your method of calculation? I can only think of like 20 * 365 = 7300. ??? Also I wish I could see what you are talking about with respect to your friend. I do not recall seeing anything like this before but it sounds very nice.
LOL maybe i should retake that class where you learn multiplication HAHAHA... thanks for the correction, ;)
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