a god a man
Pax et bonum, etc etc...
This is now officially my Christmas card, since I have years of Christmas cards written, stacked, sealed and strewn, which I never, ever get around to mailing.
This Incarnation-Christmas thing is (of course) baffling me of late.
so basically we're saying that God makes himself mutable, changing, unaware, weak, small, hurting, hungry and alone...
all things "impossible" for a god...
To the mind, we have an "insane" God... doing things gods aren't supposed to do... a rebel God! sounds like that irish song...who breaks the boundaries of our definitions and our thoughts... he breaks the boundaries of reality as we know it, or think it to be... the incarnation is
a breaking of reality as we think it to be...
a cave to encapsulate the infinite divine... a king in the poorest of the poor....
the reality transcending the word "God" is found is something opposed to that reality
the reality transcending the word "God" is found is something opposed to that reality
should we then conclude that God is found in contradiction?
... it almost seems to me that God is demonstrating his God-ness in becoming "not God"... (to do the one thing no mythical god "dared.") to lose himself, to forget his divine-ness... and still be himself? by human logic, a god becoming man makes him not god... it makes him one or the other... a cloud cannot become a tree and remain a cloud... so we have here either an impossiblity or a miracle... divine logic shatters human logic...
divine logic does not rewrite reality... it IS reality
... it almost seems to me that God is demonstrating his God-ness in becoming "not God"... (to do the one thing no mythical god "dared.") to lose himself, to forget his divine-ness... and still be himself? by human logic, a god becoming man makes him not god... it makes him one or the other... a cloud cannot become a tree and remain a cloud... so we have here either an impossiblity or a miracle... divine logic shatters human logic...
divine logic does not rewrite reality... it IS reality
so I guess we can conclude that IF we DO look for and find GOD-IN-WEAKNESS, he must be demonstrating his god-ness to us, if we want to find him we cannot look on thrones grand texts perfected human logic... he is not there... find the place that smells the worst, the coldest place, the lonliest place, the most hated abandoned place upon this earth... and that is the place he comes
it might be a bombed out cave in the middle east somewhere... but you don't need a plane to get there...
it might be a bombed out cave in the middle east somewhere... but you don't need a plane to get there...
jerry!!!!!! you're "occasionally perceived as obnoxious" self is BAAAAAAAAACK! woohoo!
your right by human logic i mean "what appears to be logical"
or what appears to be so
thats funny... as i was writing this out i was thinking in the back of my head... this reminds me of Tertullian!!!!!!! hahaha and then i was frustrated with myself and then i was like ok, now i know what he was getting at haha...
go formal heretix !!!!! juss kiddin holly! :D
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