Monday, December 05, 2005


What does it mean to be good...?

[Apparently that which exists is good... and God saw that it (everything) was good]

If something is good its supposed to follow that it be loved? ie, love follows upon knowledge of the good...Is it then loved BECAUSE it is good?

people can't be loved because they are good: then it would not be love; love can't be conditional...

unless love IS contingent upon existence...

but love can't be conditional upon existence because God's love trancends existence, ie he loves those people who do not yet exist...

Perhaps the reason love is rare is because of pervading blindness to goodness?

God did see the goodness of creation, and loved it,
but how or when do we look at another person and see them as good...???

don't we usually see the opposite-
I usually think about what I assume is wrong with the person and not what is good about them-

It seems only a rare and fleeting moment when we look at someone and see their goodness, and those people whose goodness we apprehend...

are the people we love...

so do we love them conditionally upon seeing their goodness? there's obviously a connection between love and goodness...

but then do we raelly then love at all, if we only love contingently, when we see good qua good?

if one can no longer see goodness... do we stop loving all together?

ah, so then what is love? it must be much more then vision/appretiation of good...

perhaps those who love most are those who have the most vision...


Blogger Velvet said...

lol thats basically what i'm saying is i am confused about what goodness is, why do we say something is good becuase it exists? etc etc so yeah i'm totally confused and thats all i'm saying here lol hence all the question marks

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 2:29:00 PM  

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