I just went to the Spanish mass in town. I like going to it. Contrary to common theory, I don't go because it is late in the afternoon (I admit this is a contributing factor). I go because- everything is right there. The men work hard, and you can read it in their sun-marked faces and rough hands. The women would do anything for their men because they see everyday how hard he works for her. People manifest love. When I go there I see fulfilled the whole missio, ite missa est: this is your mission. We do not love solely with our minds, but with our bodies as well. He says "pick up," "follow," "baptize": all verbs! Catholics take Him literally in these words: "This is my body!" We must take Him literally when he says "do this!" in remembrance and love. We must also wash, heal, speak, listen, touch: in each of these actions embodying Love.
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