A Best-seller by Holly, Maria and Sophia
Next semester I am installing an audio recorder in Maria's car. Why? Because the 3 of us have such enthralling discussions! They will be recorded and then put into book form entitled Philosophy and Sex, considering this is all we talk about. With a title like that it'll def. be a best-seller! ;)
Well isin't the LOVE inherent in the philosphy part?
wait, hold up, man, listen, you don't waaant to handle more than one woman, believe meee-i know-waaay to high maintenance, trust me
wait-i mean, LOVE should be inherent in BOTH philosophy AND sex, or else you just have ideas and intercourse, as opposed to philosophy and sex, hhhmmmmm??
exactly my point: sex without love is just intercourse, and philosophy without a love of WISDOM and those things which are real and pursuit of it wholeheartedly is not really philosophy at all, just, um, trying to get a good grade or somethin.
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