Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Jerry: ... there are so many THINGS we cannot control! But for all those things, should I just jump to an extreme conclusion that SOME OTHER ENTITY is controlling all this? Why can I not just subscribe to the more plausible, the more logical idea that the Universe functions on a set of laws and principles

Sophia: What make you presumptiously assume that it is extreme conclusion that some other entity does control all the things which men cannot... This is inherent in the concept of order and law. If such things exist- logic, order, law, principle... it is an unsteady assumption of yours that these things can exist distinct from a dynamic intelligence. Its way more extreme to conclude that NO other determining Thing exist EXCEPT law and principles. It is not more logical to say the universe functions solely on laws and principles. Yes, such laws exist. But you presume, on BLIND faith, that the controlling force, IT, the life principle, is a non-intelligent principle with forseeing, dynamic power... This is not logical at all. You can just subscribe to that, as you obviously do, but it is very unreasonable indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think she was saying you accept scientific laws on faith. Her statement "But you presume, on BLIND faith, that the controlling force, IT, the life principle, is a non-intelligent principle with forseeing, dynamic power..." emphasizes the word: non-intelligent. That is where the faith comes in on your part... according to her statement; and I don't think you addressed it.

Thursday, June 23, 2005 1:34:00 AM  

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