I'm Sick
...I can remember, even back to 1st grade when I was 6, telling my mom I was sick and staying home from school. But really, I wasen't lying. I said my head hurt. And it did. I think I was depressed-saying my head hurt was the only way I could express how I felt. I've always had touble explaining how I felt. Nobody ever got it. If my neck hurt I said throat by accident. The people, the silly games and everything and everyone made my head hurt, I think. And I was sick, sick of life, the way life was, even way back then. I got straight A's up til 5th grade, but I never could get why we were doing the things we were doing... Think and Do was the worst torture possible. I rememeber everyone hated Think and Do. A common moan would go up from our little group of 1st grade bodies, a common desperate sigh: "Take out your think and do." "Aaaaw-wah." Was it just a time filler for the teacher to do her grade book, maybe? Just give the kiddies a work book with pictures of Dick, Jane and Sally. Those pictures always looked so unreal. They were always bright, and mesmerizing. I liked the dog Spot, and Sally was funny and adventurous-but the rest of them seemed foreign, like aliens from planet Suburbia, 1955...Anways I think I hated Dick (no pun intended). I dunno he just seemed so blah. Poor kid-no offense, that is, if you are real and reading this...
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