Friday, June 17, 2005

Silent Screaming

...Does anyone ever really say what they're feeling...? ...or what they're really thinking? I don't know if anyone ever answers honesty when some-one asks, 'How are you?' I usually look at the person..I try to figure out if they really want to know the answer...First of all does the person asking care at all? Secondly, do they ever actually wanna hear the truth about me and how I am?- or are they too afraid to think about it themselves?... why do they ask in the first place... I am about to go on a quest... I know God is, but I need to find him again, inside of me. I need him to exist in me completely or I do not exist at all, I simply breathe. The difference between breathing and living is in having him or not having him...isin't everything all or nothing? I either have everything or I have nothing...


Blogger Velvet said...

exactly! we should boycott the expression "how are you"

Friday, June 17, 2005 6:07:00 PM  

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