Friday, June 17, 2005

The Missing Premise

Jerry: No. My reasons for KNOWING with COMPLETE CERTAINTY that God does not exist goes well beyond our attempts at logic. I cannot sit here and type up my entire explanation. ...looked for God and answers in many other religions that I couldn't find in Christianity. I searched Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism... none sufficed. Some were better, some were worse than Christianity. Oh, which leads me to ask you this question: why do you only have faith in the belief (or conviction in the fact) that only your idea of the Christian God exists? Why only the "Jesus" and "Holy Spirit" God exists? Why not the God of Judaism, why not the Allah of Islam? Are those ideas of God as far-fetched to you as believing in Batman?! Hmmm..I shall end here. Look to my blog for the treatment of Anselm's argument. It's really a shabby argument disguised as intellectual reasoning.

Sophia: You asked earlier what secret knowledge or premise I had that made me believe? If I told you exactly why I know for sure, it might be impossible for me to explain without seeming insane. My knowledge of God is so personal that it would be hard for me to tell you without feeling like someone violated, like allowing a third party to come along and observe on your honey-moon (or maybe this analogy fails with you and you MPR's?). Or, maybe you will understand, since you explained you ex-believer state. As I see it: I am either insane or God exists. Those are my only logical conclusions. If you want to know the specifics of my missing premise, I will let you know: but I'd rather not post them online, if thats ok? Also, as you can see from my blog, I do not rule out the fact that if God existed (as I know he does), he would reveal himself to everyone and anyone who sought him, hence I find it fascinating to find reflections of the same understanding of God in say a Hindu or Moslem mystic. However, it is usually a commonality found, not in the "text-book- religion" of Hindu or Islam or whatever it be, but in the personal experience of God that mystics like Mirabai and in their prayers. I am not Moslem or Jewish however, because I believe that God established the Roman Catholic Church as the true church. Like I said I would be happy to tell you more specifically if you so desire... I want to know your explanation: Why, really, don't you believe?


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