Saturday, July 16, 2005

How is it possible...

...that Chris Martin is not me? He, as of all recent information, has not yet enscribed two lyrics together that weren't stolen from the cloister of my thoughts and plaigerized from the steady, seductive bass riff of my heart rhythm... get your own ideas, yo!
"COLDPLAY singer CHRIS MARTIN is convinced he lacks the talent to be an extraordinary songwriter - despite being in one of the biggest bands in the world. (what makes an extraordinary anything---recognition of ones ordinariness...)
The star, who is married to GWYNETH PALTROW (she sooo seems like the kinda girl to marry an English guy- I mean she's just so England-esque) is grateful for his bandmates, because he credits them with masking his musical shortcomings. (maybe not masking, but working with, to make something as good as it can be)
Martin says, "I still spend at least 60 per cent of my time thinking, 'I can't write songs.'
"I don't see myself as brilliantly talented, but lucky to have met the right combination of people who fit together like a jigsaw so you can't see our individual shortcomings." Yes!!! Chris!!! Thats it- what its all about I think. Even though its not perfect by a long shot you come together with those few amzing people that you fit into like a jigsaw puzzle and together make beautiful beautiful music, whether you play an instrument or not.


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