The Athletic Enchantress

So on the road to ohio right Lauren and me were like wicked bored. we were like ok, thats it we're getting bored we even stooped ( ha literally) to buy 'Complete Woman" magazine. thats right- i am awash in shame at the thought LOL- that i paid for some only-good-to-be-recycled material, but i did-we took these quizzes entitled: 'WHAT KIND OF SEDUCTRESS ARE YOU' hey sorry but curiosity got thebetter of me and i wanted to know LOL so supposedly i am
the Athletic Enchantress, unafraid to challenge guys on what they think to be their own turf, or to quote, "This type of woman appeals to a man's competitive nature by challenging him on what he sees to be his own playing field. She isin't afraid to beat her guy. According to Leah Schwartz, Ph. D, [HAHAHA are they really trying to appeal to like the MIND in this magazine, ohmahgawd like no wayah, like whoa] 'Her level of fitness appeals to the most primitive instincts in her partner.'" HAHAHA wow...we laughed reading that outloud...but then Holly was worried it was a mortal sin to read such magazines, but then i reminded her that if you diden't KNOW if something was a mortal sin, as in you had to ask, it ISIN't cuz thats a prerequisite for mortal sin [full knowledge] anyways...LOL...Holly was the "Party-Girl Enchantress." This is what it says about you Holly: "The party girl does whatever is fun, maintains an air of sexuality and has a promise in her eyes notes dating expert April Masini [so what constitutes a dating expert exactly?]" ScaRy! Holly, um, that is SO you. Its like they squeezed you into a little box next to a picture of Beyonce and wrote yer name by it juss like we did in our is mine accurate Holly? HAHA..not like you would know since i've never tried to seduce yo-wait i won't finifsh that sentence HAHAHAHA, so everything else about me, according to the 'dating experts' is just too bad to be posted on a site which lil' children read--- but its fun to think I WOULD be the athletic enchantress, hehe ;) Oh yeah, and supposedly my celebrity equivalent seductress style is Angelina Jolie, and unfortunetely not the princess from Braveheart. :( Oh well...
P.S. I LOST THE COLORS ON MY BLOG...I CAN"T FIND THEM :( SO SO SO sad where did you go my colors?
i wanned tah make sure they woulden't accidetnely stumble upon those pictures of themself, that would be mean...
i realized it was disrespectful and i don't wanna do that
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