The Conspiracy...
We shoulden't need alarm clocks---LIFE should be enough
to make us fall in love with awareness....rushing into the arms of morning
to make us fall in love with awareness....rushing into the arms of morning
A stream of creative writing, questioning and contemplation of any vein of thought relevant to the enhancement of a meaningful life and to the construction of a civilization of love.
it is not dumb
its awesome
and totally true
when i find the guy you will feel stupid
my point was more we shoulden't need alarm clocks that life should invigorate us so much that we love it and it fills us and we can't wait for more...
u think ticking clocks are gentle and soothing? i suppose, maybe
it depends on the clock....
i would prefer to wake up to reeeal sounds---the ocean, rain, wind, nature... you know? not the recorded one...
"i would prefer to wake up to reeeal sounds---the ocean, rain, wind, nature.."
What makes the sound of the ocean any more real than the sound of a clock ticking? Aren't these both reality?
yer right
i just meant in comparison to one of those scary sounding alarm clocks--->>i want OCEAN
woulden't you? :D
and it seems to me there's something more real about the ocean ryhthm, although a clock rythm is actually not half bad at all...rhythm is such a weird/cool/mysterious thing
Actually I prefer the buzzzzing of an alarm clock. I feel that the ocean would be so soothing I would not want to wake up. It would be more like a lullaby.
Also, a rock band has rhythm. Would you like to wake up to that rhythm?
I also noticed you spell rhythm different everytime!!!!
the ocean rythyme could conform to ones breathing and soothingly let morning break upon your soul...
under interests u said
walking in the rain...
woohoo!!!! (just not waking up to the sound of it? lol)
I agree... There has to be a conspiracy! Every alarm clock I have ever owned has made the most annoying retched sound! And I supposed I could make the assumption that the makers of the alarm clocks are the ones behind the conspiracy... or is it the country in which they were manufactured???? THAT'S IT! It's CHINA! THEY HATE AMERICANS SO MUCH THAT THEY WANT US TO HATE LIFE AND KILL OURSELVES, AND THIS WAS THEIR IDEA.. HAVE THEM START THE DAY HATING LIFE! (Not a Karl Rove inspired Rant, btw)
But I guess the idea behind the barrage of noise in the morning (especially from the old fasioned wind-up alarm clocks with the freakin' bells on top... oh and you don't mess with anything with dual bells at the top with a freakin hammer in the middle... it had to have been German inspired invention) is to annoy/scare us enough to make us want to stop the noise, and so we break the sleep cycle by finding the noise maker and trying to silence it (with one eye barely open enough to see). The problem with this is, as soon as I am annoyed or scared... I get angry... and that's no way to start a day! I would prefer a lovely young woman lying next to me, whispering for me to wake up.. something pleasant like that... so I gently wake up to the her beautiful face in front of me... now that's the way to wake up!
Oh and commenting on ergo sum's mention of the "tick of the second hand" DUDE! there is absolutely nothing gentle about the consistent mechanical sound of that second hand.. (I've gone through many of those alarm clocks! Believe me, you! I guess they need to make them shatter proof) Maybe dripping water, or something sporadic would be more relaxing or less offensive at 6 AM.. but I'd still go for woman, who'd I'd undoubtedly love.. to wake my coma-like butt up in the morning.
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