Tuesday, May 31, 2005

"Wonderful girl...

...either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her." -Hans Solo HAHA! Awesome! Isin't there a fine line between the two in any case, between loving and hating someone. Thanks Julian for forcing me to watch the original Star Wars. I really love the philosophical-ness of it, in fact. I hear Jedi-ism is an increasing-ly popular religion. In all seriousness, it is. But it makes sense, people just can't get away from their search for religion, even if it means chanting in yoga classes at the Y. And how does Hans Solo manage to not "give a damn" and yet still be a good guy? I wonder if the Force is compatible with the idea of the Holy Spirit---no no, the Force is neutral---I cannot believe I am actually thinking about this ! I thought I could stay stong against the power of the Force, HAHAHA, and never watch Star Wars ever--- and lead a full and complete life without it. Oh well---I give up---May the Force be with you... haha


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