Thursday, October 06, 2005

o.k. so,

every day, here in the library, i see this pregnant lady...
she looks really really really good!!!! even though she's like HEllo->> huge! she has really cool clothes and she looks so sophisticated and shit... like, i WANT those clothes! except -oh, they're maternity- hahaha, darn... and, no, i will not get pregnant just so i can wear those clothes, maria, hehe, but, i do plan to look like her when i eventually do get pregnant... and, yikes! why am i talking so much about pregnant ppl lately?!?!?!?!??!?!?!? (what the hell?) aaaaaaaaah ok enough of this nonsense SOPHIA GET TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Velvet said...

possibly beacuse we see a greater perfection in some aspect of their being which we strive/desire to attain... we apprehend a good and work towards it...dunno...

Friday, October 07, 2005 1:03:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

i just saw her again- she's wearing overalss today aaaaaaaw, hehe ;)

Friday, October 07, 2005 1:18:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

good question? i suppose it depends on what you hold dear, what you hold true what you hold to be good... like if i see power or money or looking good as the highest goods, i may tend to see myself as inadequate in relation to others who have a greater proportion of those goods, but if i have a worldview of seeing those things as good, but not neccesarily the HIGHEst good, i may tend to see tthose things, but not neccesarily feel inadequate if i do not possess them... that's kindof how i think, at least... for example... i don't hold being powerful in the tradiotional sense of the word as that important ( ie, being "at the top" lots of money, etc) so if I see someone with power, i don't feel inadequate by the fact that i don't have it... if i wanted that kindof power, i might feel lower in some sense then that man who possesses power... blablabla... sorry tyrel i totally went on too long lol... what do you think?

Friday, October 07, 2005 3:09:00 PM  

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