All Eyes on Stage
While everyone in the neighborhood is out at the summer "Play in the Park" at Pleasant Valley, all is still. The bikes and tricycles lay abandoned, their slightly spinning wheels creak in tune with the crickets. And fireflies dance. I sit here and stare at the computer screen- wait, hope, and beg the 'muse' to foster her life in me. Is this scenario a metaphor for me-ness? While everyone else goes out to take in the play, 'The Fantastics' to me a vague grasping shadow of reality, I sit and absord the quiet of what is, as lonely and frightening as "it" is. People go to parties, normally. I don't go to parties unless I am forced. Once I am there I hafto force myself to leave the world of my thoughts to enter into the language of the spoken word. And its like tearing myself in half. Why theses pointless noises the people utter and moan. Yes, part of this avoidance of socail activity is pride I assume. Part of this is shame at the utter blank-ness of many people also labeling themselves as members of the human race. if we only thought about what we said OR DID...why is thought such a rare phenomenon? I suppose if I must be one of these sheep, being the black one isin't so bad...
-- people using words to hide the discomfort of their empty minds... silence should be the barometer of effective communication...
yeah.........! ! !
i feel you
the deepest communication has nothing to do with words- because in effect words have nothing to do with the reality the being is one with and grasping to express to another...
yes holldoll (copyright~ me 2005 hehe) we think in words UTILIZING language- but first- WE MUST translate OURSElVEs INTO language it seems right? this is where the painful process occurs and we lose that reality of what we feel when we force it into words which utimately lies...words are lies, no matter how good they are they are... at least when it somes to expressing deep things...saving yes and no or please and thank you LOL- it seems to me anyways...
i think its not put up with abuse of words but to put up with their LACK of proper use ( remeber how refreshing it was to discuss with Zoscack about Liturgy and faith and wow- it was SO REAL right!!! cuz we were speaking the same language already inside our heads, before we ever thought in words, yeh know?), but yeah this is part of it too holly Q
OH SO in conclusion HOLL - lol- i don't think they are unesesary YOU are right- but what i ma more getting at is the PAIN of forcing yourself INTO words!!!!!!!
some random thoughts from a few weeks ago i felt like stickin in here---->>>
since it is the Holy Spirit living in the Church,
Who in every single soul
'prays in us with unspeakable groanings'.
Edith Stein
This reality really struck me today
that prayer is an "unspeakable groaning"
its not that we say a prayer with words..
its words that are within the consuming of the whole being in a state of prayer....
and all truth even,
hell heaven God the holy spirit....are all... unspeakable
they just are and like the word Hell and Heaven--
forget about them.
.think of the reality which those words never ever encompass.......if that makes sense..
our ideas/pictures /phantasms in our heads are from words
little semi-false realities we build in our head...
but prayer and true in its unspeakableness...(Todd somewhat induced this thought as well as the Holy Spirit kicking in)
i was thinking of mary and meditating on her..she' s a person a woman...and then nothingelse...its hard to express but communion and prayer its just you and her being..ok never mind this is immposible toexpress
And the second point. I disagree that thoughts necessary use language. No. Thoughts and ideas can all arise purely through a sense of awareness and consciousness. -Ergo
you are so right languague is something all human USE but i don't think it comes naturally--i mean it does, but its a painful lose a something in putting reality into words..haha ergo, i wanna know...if you think unspokan comunication is best...what are forms of ommunication within that silence that you prefer? like i mentioned on yer blog- i had a real close conection to afriedn i made with whom i could not speak-- her name was Anna Chiesa and she only spoke italian and barely any english, but we were really close laughing contemplating the world and beauty and our heritage tighether...really cool...the bond was completely spoken through silence........
juss one more thing! ;)
words CAN be SO amazing too...but the amazing thing about them consists in when they conform as closely as possibly to reality--which they never fully do-- but the frustration of interaction between ppl is in their complete lack of proper utilization of language to transport us to deeper union as beings...instead its just nothingness and empty air which may as well never be spoken...
And I wrote the EXACT same thought in my short fiction story about Pasha and Jardin ---
-- people using words to hide the discomfort of their empty minds... silence should be the barometer of effective communication... etc. etc.!
you were using different words and language to try and grasp at the SAME reality ABOUT words... but through the words we could recognize a common participation in the same deep frustration and disgrace at the state of the human race, lol-- hence a proper utilization of language-- which builds a bridge between souls
very cool- if only for the GOD dispute--we could have these kinds of soul-bridge-construction more frequently, in fact, INFINITELY
LOL ;)
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