What is it...

...about being Catholic,
that makes you just want to go insAne!
and screw it all
and apostasize? ...
Then right at the last second-something
(or someone)
grabs you, takes hold of your heart, brings you deep inside that secret place->
where you know for sure that nothing is more true,
then this Love,
which you find yourself enveloped in...
and a prayer become a yearning... a yearning becomes a prayer...
I want
You to love me
like i've never found Love before
...and You do ...
and I know You are true by your life that you have left in me...
I typed out a long comment, in which I went on and on and on describing faith and temptation and blah blah blah.. and then I remembered... you obviously already knew all of that.. and so you get this instead.... (I'm a dork, what can I say?)
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