Monday, January 09, 2006

Brokeback Mountain Review

This pace of this movie reminded me of a French foreign film. As opposed to the typical escapist, face-paced American movie, it moved slowly and contemplatively. One thing that particularly moved me was the raw emotions depicted through the extreme inner conflicts of the character Enis (played by Heath Ledger), who is in one second kissing Jack and in the next punching him to the ground. I loved the realism of that. I had more issues with the character of Jack (played by Jake Gyllenthal). He had less depth to him in the fact that he seemed so decided and confident about his sexuality and his life. The audience has less insight into who Jack is because he reveals less conflict with himself. Conflict and confusion reveal vulnerability and hence more deeply and honestly tell who that person is. This movie seems to me an objective presentation of homosexuality. It did not glorify it and it did not condemn it. It showed that no relationship, gay or strait, is going to get you away from your pain. It was gritty, down-to-earth and ironically gave me a very surreal feeling for all its lack of escapism. It was refreshing to see a movie that diden't Hollywood-ize suffering. As an example, in one scene when Enis cried, it was a mix of vomiting, crying and screaming. It was real life and not a single, perfect Visine drop falling. Enis realistically portrayed the conflict of the homosexual individual who struggles with admitting it to themself or anyone else. Overall, Brokeback Mountain was thought-provoking and a good movie to spark discussion. It was longer then neccesary, but worth the while.


Blogger Velvet said...

Oh my gawsh! I think Hell just froze over. There is something really strange with the order of the Cosmos when a gay, atheist guy spells hell with a capital "H" emphasizing the proper name of a place, as if saying it exists. LOL I know what yer gonna say next. Probably that Narnia is capitalized too. AHAHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHA. lol, i loveu

Monday, January 09, 2006 1:22:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

I just find it ironic. I never SAID it proves His/its existence. You are assuming your premises in coming to a conclusion about my ideas. :D :D :D

Monday, January 09, 2006 1:51:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

assuming that i am setting out to "prove" anything here :D

Monday, January 09, 2006 1:57:00 PM  

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