Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ezra Pound?

The Logical Conclusion
by: Ezra Pound

When earth's last thesis is copied
From the theses that went before,
When idea from fact has departed
And bare-boned factlets shall bore,
When all joy shall have fled from study
And scholarship reign supreme;
When truth shall "baaa" on the hill crests
And no one shall dare to dream;
When all the good poems have been buried
With comment annoted in full
And art shall bow down in homage
To scholarship's zinc-plated bull,
When there shall be nothing to research
But the notes of annoted notes,
And Baalam's ass shall inquire
The price of imported oats;
Then no one shall tell him the answer
For each shall know the one fact
That lies in the special ass-ignment
From which he is making his tract.
So the ass shall sigh uninstructed
While each in his separate book
Shall grind for the love of grinding
And only the devil shall look.

Against the "germanic" system of graduate study and insane specialization in the Inanities.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Robot Metamorphasis

So many thoughts were racing in her head that there was no room for anything other then madness. It was just a disarray of inspiration, paranoia, unchanneled screaming, black and white colors swirling around, backed up tears, and lust. She had a name but she never felt like telling anyone what it was. They woulden't remember or give a fuck the next day, while she even remembered their names, faces, personalities and still gave a fuck two years later. She'd had enough of the giving-a-shit-about-people business, once she realized that even the christians diden't really give a fuck- then she really gave up. Books and music and possibly dogs- but no more people. Time to become a robot again. She just wasen't looking forward to the plaster smile.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I'm Back!

HI GUYS! I've been gone a while but now I'm back to titillate and inspire and challenge with my um, genius... haha! ... I missed u.