The Verlaine Shirt
Paul Verlaine is one of my favorite poets. My introduction to his work was somewhat, shall I say, odd? I bought a shirt with a french poem on it. It looked wicked cool and vintage and I wore it like almost every day, if not every other. I was about 16. I would wear it to work where various former-french students would then stare at my chest stumbling over the pronunciation as they attempted to read it. I started to think maybe it wasen't such a good idea to wear a shirt with an actual poem, the content of which I was completely oblivious to. But, prudence, as usual, was thrown out the window. I just loved the shirt too much to compromise for propriety's sake. Eventually, the inevatable occured. Someone came in who happened to be fluent in French. [Damnit! Who actually speaks French these day? LOL] Oh! Verlaine! He proceeded to read outloud, somewhat inaudibly. As his eyeballs scanned back and forth his face grew red. I decided I needed to research this further. I ordered out-of-county loans from the library, practically every verlain book I could find with French on one side and English on the other. I found my poem. I haven't worn the shirt since, but am now an avid reader of Verlaine poetry.
The wheels are tunin' darlin'.. and curiosity has taken over my thoughts.. So What was the poem? hahahaha
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