Monday, October 10, 2005

Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom

[For Holly's benefit I post this summery of last night's discussion]

Though we prolly covered too much to be summerized... this is one of the main things that stood out to me. John was saying how the difference between these three things used to fascinate him while he was attending Society of St. John Seminary. Most intriguing I found was this...

"If I have all knowledge, and have not Love, I am a resounding gong, a clashing cymbol..."

So, I wondered, does this mean that one has no knowledge at all without having Love?
One can have knowledge, true knowledge of reality, yet, knowledge leaves reality at its shallowest level, it seems, understanding then can integrate knowledge of what goes deeper then basic facts closer to the inner working, the depth...
Love is that force which is the root of Wisdom...
love gives not only the what of knowledge but the why of wisdom...
providing the clearest vision... so many traditionalist "Catholics" I have experienced, they had "all knowledge" but that knowledge blinded them even to the simplest dignity of the human person... and that knowledge was fruitless
because it became a tunnel through which they saw the world,
a world which we know to be 3-dimnesional, 4-dimensional, infinitely dimensional,
and impossible to see reality while wearing blinders...
or perhaps they allowed that intellectual principle to govern their hearts...
to cut them off from loving another person... which seems to me to kill who you are...

anyways, another interesting thing I thought of was, the essence of Satans's (yes ergo, Satan)being is Non Serviam, I will not serve, and yet it is not only that "In serving eachother, we become free..." (so God does not enslave Satan, he enchains himself)
but also
that Satan can never know what it means to love... he can never know Love itself/Himself...
so, Satan does have knowledge, perhaps some understanding,
but the one who attains true Wisdom through not only having love, but union with Love, surpasses Satan in knowledge...
though Satan possessed the most cunning intellect of all of creatures,
he can never know that which we know when we possess Love...
which is why his games become laughable... Satan says to us,
when we come to that one-ness with Love,
he presents his cheap wine to our lips and says

"You know you want it, come on, just a little bit..."
-Satan: the pimp of pimps ;)

and we do laugh outloud

and say drink the poison yourself...

cuz we have the choicest of wine which is Love Himself to drink of...
Jesus let me drink of You again


Blogger Velvet said...

You're funny... and I'm a spazz... lol... I'll try my best to update this and make it more clear... :D

Monday, October 10, 2005 5:47:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

haha, and yes, of course i have read socrates, silly bear!

Monday, October 10, 2005 5:58:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

aaaaaaaaaaah! familiar feeling washing over me!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 4:18:00 PM  

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