Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Clarification of Terminology Used in Previous Post

Knowledge: As I see it, anyone can know anything. Knowledge has to do with hardcore, physical, sweaty truths, alebraic formulations, dirt, clay, H20, e=mc2, a painting, the sun. Knowledge is oneness with truth. Knowledge is oneness with the most simple of truths. My sweatpants are black. They are cotton. I can know the chemical compounds of the fibers. It's simple. It is. It just is.
Understanding: Understanding then, would be, a rightly ordered utilization of these simple truths. Perhaps, glimpsing of motivations and unseen realities; ordering physical reality in ones mind; to see things as they are in their true level of importance; the increase of vision is grantedwhen one streches to a full view of both physical and metaphysical truth.
Wisdom: Wisdom then is that fullest level of understanding. For reality is seen most fully when one is granted the vision granted by Love. If people say "Love is blind," it is not this kind of "love" of which I speak. Essentially, I cannot define the love I am grasping to define. It is a mysterious thing. But it is a love which does not blind, it is a love which gives infinitely. This kind of love is the seed of true wisdom. It plants in the heart the ability to see things as they are. I am Hitler, say. I am a vital, knowledgable, charismatic leader who possesses the level of knowledge and understanding neccesary to implement a well mechanized movement. I have a deep understanding of the way in which people think. However, I hate Jews. My knowledge, my understanding, what good then are these things? "If I have all knowledge and have not love, I am a resounding gong, a clashing cymbol," or something much worse. If I have not love, I am nothing.


Blogger Velvet said...

That makes sense that it may not seem to follow. Does it not make more sense when you put it in the context? As with the Hitler example?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 8:27:00 PM  

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