Friday, October 21, 2005

I even dream...

about Saint Augustine :D
Its NO wonder I HAVE to double major in Theology, as well as Creative Writing...
So talk about a freaking WEIRD video we watched in Dr. Craig's writing class, wasen't that freakish, Holly? yikes and a half...


hahahaha... wt? does anyone have a clue what that is supposed to mean, cuz i know i don't, lol...
OH and i got a 98% on my English midterm--- NOOOO way i can't believe it...this is amazing lol.... i just don't get 98s that is unheard of...

so here is something interesting from the "Gadfly"

"we are sex addicts, druggies, raging alcoholics, chronic masturbators, cheaters, self-righteous, homosexuals, homophobes, condemners and kleptomaniacs. We are sinners. We are Franciscan University."

first off, whoa! damn, what a bold honest way to start an article, entitle "Murdered by the self-righteous"

"None here would deny that we are all these things and more,

but Christ came for the whores, gamblers, tax colectors, the despised of the earth. HIs mission has not changed; he came for us, the students of FUS. Howvere, we at Franciscan have one flaw above all the rest. . .. We are fake, we are hypocrites, we are the new Pharisees. And worse is we justify to ourselves that we are not Pharisees... .. . .

this is refreshingly honest....

no-one at christendom would EVER DARE say that, as true as it is.......

in fact this sad reality described is more evident at Christendom College, and so greatly saturated with the Neo-Pharisee-ical mentality, that it is not even recognized to exist... or if it is, no one has the courage to mention it, and, if what John Paul posits is true, and "courage is the owrk of God" what does that say for Christendom, how is it responding to the work of GOd? Not well, for courage to resist the tide of spiritual pride is something practically exstinct on its grounds...

as Jerome says, one of the worst evils is ignorance of ones ignorance... and ironically, Christendom, that school which prides itself on its REASON; its conquering of ignorance; its great and noble intellectual stamina, is so blinded by that very tunnel vision and emphasis on the power of the mind so as to NOT even realize that state in which they are so entrenched. thank God BEnedict XVI wrote on the dangers of this infatuation with reason (ironic that the supression of emotion through reason has its root in an emtional inclination to reason) and spoke that we must strike at its heart the "tyranny of the intellectual." ( in the church)

and Jesus says,

I come to heal the sick ........

but if we tell ourselves we're NOT sick... if we're blind to our grave illnesses of spirit what happens to your insides--- they WILL start to die.....


is awesome,
the word lies....

I love Him....

the words lie
i wish my love was not conditional, &more like His own what's the avant gard?"


Blogger Velvet said...

christianity is not a hypothesis it's a marriage proposal, its about a some one i know and love

Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:23:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

God still loves the souls in Hell- it is they who choose to be there

Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:42:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

-not really. all i can say is

1 peter:
"that which we have touched..."

this is consistent with external realities

Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:43:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

YOu have not demonstrated that
what I am engaged in is purely intellectual logic, not rational reasoning... for I have told you that faith is not ONLY an assent of the mind will but also an experential experience of truth LEADING to an assent of will.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:50:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

LOL experential experience hahahahahha- i better get more sleep!

Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:51:00 PM  
Blogger Velvet said...

ps- that which someone touches is as doooooown to earth as it gets--

so was the incarnation- it don't get more down to earth

Saturday, October 22, 2005 6:33:00 PM  

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