From 'In Defense of Purity'
"There are certain modern theories which exaggerate beyond all measure the prt played by sex, while nevertheless missing its deeper significance, and venture the absurd thesis that love is a sublimation of the sex instinct. Such a doctrine betrays, in the first place, complete failure to understand the spiritual structure of the personalitY, and second, an entire misapprehension of the nature of love, the supreme actuation of the spirit."-Von Hildebrand...MORE ON THIS LATER
To C. Duffy
Hey!I am not sure where to find your blog, but I got an email invitation to join it. The link diden't seem to work for some reason. Computers...Peace Out!TTyehsoon I hope!
The birth of light
Watching the sun rise is like seeing someone get born.[Gone to Wheaton, IL until Saturday.]
All Eyes on Stage
While everyone in the neighborhood is out at the summer "Play in the Park" at Pleasant Valley, all is still. The bikes and tricycles lay abandoned, their slightly spinning wheels creak in tune with the crickets. And fireflies dance. I sit here and stare at the computer screen- wait, hope, and beg the 'muse' to foster her life in me. Is this scenario a metaphor for me-ness? While everyone else goes out to take in the play, 'The Fantastics' to me a vague grasping shadow of reality, I sit and absord the quiet of what is, as lonely and frightening as "it" is. People go to parties, normally. I don't go to parties unless I am forced. Once I am there I hafto force myself to leave the world of my thoughts to enter into the language of the spoken word. And its like tearing myself in half. Why theses pointless noises the people utter and moan. Yes, part of this avoidance of socail activity is pride I assume. Part of this is shame at the utter blank-ness of many people also labeling themselves as members of the human race. if we only thought about what we said OR DID...why is thought such a rare phenomenon? I suppose if I must be one of these sheep, being the black one isin't so bad...
I Believe in Batman
For Ergo Sum.Mira!He is real!Credo! ;)
Kidnapped by Brits
Its actually about 100 degrees here. Our airconditioning is busted.I grabbed the keys to go out and get myself some ice coffee. Forgot about decaf, which is why I am writing this now at 5am. My sister came along to escape her paper writing, and the godless heat I suppose. I blasted the car AC and the cd player. She diden't have a problem with the air rushing loudly over our faces, but the music rush from the speakers? She doesn't like Coldplay. On the way back- I decided to kidnap her.We're not going home til you like them. *pauses* I like them. You do!?I have a paper to write. No.You will like them for real.*thinkin love follows upon knowledge*You just haven't felt them yet. (Turning down the volume while slowing the car) Breathe, still.You will love them.*push gas, lift volume*
And I could write a sooong a hundred miles looong...(We both sing loud as we can) I could write it dooown or spread it all around...... She's singing too.Yes! You love it, you love it: admit it! She just laughsand I know I won,and she's captured by the Brits too!
All I Really Want
...I am fascinated by the spiritual manI am humbled by his humble nature........Why are you so petrified of silenceAnd all I need know is intellectual intercourseA soul to dig the hole much deeperAnd I have no concept of time other than it is flying
Give me back the dictionary!
in·ter·course ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ntr-kôrs, -krs)n.
1. Dealings or communications between persons or groups.
This is so so sooo gonna be incoherent as its like 5 in the morning...but i have this thought i need to express... the word 'intercourse' sincerely needs to be reclaimed for everyday is an amazing word... the word reveals that converation can be almost as intimate as the act of sexual intercourse...what an amazing reality that these two things reflect one another... mutual giving and receiving is what intercourse means in essence...a giving and receiving...its harmony and symmetry and intricacy and much in one word..we must ressurrect it from its death as an equivocal term
How is it possible...
...that Chris Martin is not me? He, as of all recent information, has not yet enscribed two lyrics together that weren't stolen from the cloister of my thoughts and plaigerized from the steady, seductive bass riff of my heart rhythm... get your own ideas, yo!"
COLDPLAY singer CHRIS MARTIN is convinced he lacks the talent to be an extraordinary songwriter - despite being in one of the biggest bands in the world. (what makes an extraordinary anything---recognition of ones ordinariness...)
The star, who is married to GWYNETH PALTROW (she sooo seems like the kinda girl to marry an English guy- I mean she's just so England-esque) is grateful for his bandmates, because he credits them with masking his musical shortcomings. (maybe not masking, but working with, to make something as good as it can be)
Martin says, "I still spend at least 60 per cent of my time thinking, 'I can't write songs.'
"I don't see myself as brilliantly talented, but lucky to have met the right combination of people who fit together like a jigsaw so you can't see our individual shortcomings." Yes!!! Chris!!! Thats it- what its all about I think. Even though its not perfect by a long shot you come together with those few amzing people that you fit into like a jigsaw puzzle and together make beautiful beautiful music, whether you play an instrument or not.
this sculture to meis
the embodimentof a spiritual awakening
light is entering her mindher whole body reflects the powerof the lightto consumeand penetrate to the coreof ones existence
...goodness ppl...
had to add a disclaimer and explanation here- i was hopin i woulden't hafto explain myself
Into the Water
If ever, in the history of existence, one woman has ever been engaged (ie, her full human person completely entering into and responsive and recieving) by one man, in a conversation, it was me last Friday. This is why Chris West changed my life. The way it felt to have him look at me was to be looked into in a real and unimagined way. This is the mystery of communion I experienced- and I now know what it must have felt like to be engaged by Christ...for this is what he also did. When our conversation was over...all I wanted to do was hug him so fiercely that every fiber in me held on with wonder and gratitude to make the spiritual reality more evident ... for seeing the full me and entering into that reality, in a non-physical way. But unfortunetely, there was a table between us and I willed it to dissolve away into the nothingness that it is. Pushing my right hand out a bit feebly I felt the inadequacy of a handshake. So did he. He took both of my hands inside his. "Sophia ... you know what that means, right?" "Yeah." "The-----world----needs-----your-wisdom. The----world---neeeds--us, me and you, to hear our message." "Yea." "Be not afraid of the trials. Remember---a-----woman's--------yes------can------change-----the ----whole----world. Give your fiat, Sophia." "Yeah." Then he placed his right hand on my head and prayed over me while still holding my hands in his other hand. My whole body seemed paralyzed in relief. Otherwise, I may have walked away with a mere handshake, and that would have killed me. As he prayed, I became deaf, like the underwater silence that comes when you jump into a pool and sink deeper and deeper, and this is what prayer is essentially, a deeper and deeper entrance into God....Amen....and the moment ended. But I still had the book which he had given me saying, "My gift to you," but the book wasen't the real gift.
the BEST news ever
Da: Holly Krause
Inviato: lunedì 11 luglio 2005 23.38.46
A: sojourner43@hotmail.comPosta in arrivosophie q DOPHIE....yeah, that's you....i just randomly went to the steubenville website, and guess what i found? little sophie q guessing? she?......IS SHE? is seriously considering creating a masters program in creative writing.....haha.....true dat girlfriend...
Mount Saint Mary's
Julian took this picture when we all went to Mount 2000 together, freshman year. Suppose'd to be at the talk, weren't you Julian? Haha! Its ok otherwise, this picture would never have been taken, and I think its amazing. That's the old chapel on the mountain. This is the place where St. Elizabeth Ann Seton came to start her American missions.
Go West, Young Man!
"Aristotle had it all wrong! Woman are not deformed men. From a biological perspective, men are deformed woman!"
-Chris West
This case is. The one particular instance in which cloning is morally acceptable...I don't know if Chris WEST HAS A BROTHER! If not, I see no theological, ethical, or philosophical discrepancy in cloning him!!!!!!! Hahahaha! Just kidding! Cloning is wrong. End of story, for now... ( Just wait til I become an "ethicist"- mwahaha, JK!) But, let me get into the good stuff...I just went to the Catholic Family Expo conference. Yes. If lost, here are Sophia directions
1. Open eyes
2. See a parking lot filled to capacity with 15-passenger-vans
3. Pull into parking lot.
Probly alot of Catholics around...or rabbit breeders. But, to speak in terms unhindered and unabashed: I am changed forever. End of story, for now... You see, I don't get excited about things very often...most of my friends do so on a somewhat momentary basis... for example, with coffee, (disclaimer: declaration of intense affection to Maria, chronic-caffeine-overdoser, Holly, passionate-artistic-obssessor, Catherine, self- proclaimed- food- proclaim- er- ator, whatever). If they like it, well, you know it. Yah don't just know it when they like something, you know it, in an almost biblical sense of the term! (and I never exagerate :) Now, I can only rememeber approx. 3 occasions when I actually, definetely, positively, for sure, for real, no lie, no joke, damn straight and you bet yer bottom dollar took immense pleasure in something so as to say, for example, with a satisfied sigh and distinct palm-slam to the table: "Now, thaaat. That. Was good coffee". One time was World Youth Day 2002, NOT the coffee, haha, but experiencing JP2 firsthand. Save that story for another day. Second, one amazing eggplant sauce from Ukraine or Hungary or I dunno Europe somewhere- more on this later. Third, Christopher West: experiencing JP2 second-hand through him. He spoke at the conference. I read his work before, but there is an immense difference between, for ex., reading this blog which I am writing now, and actually engagingme (PETER, HOLLY, JOHN ZOSACK- I looove you guys! John! I know the Papa would be proud of you for using this term so approprietely, lol) and being engaged by the fullness of a human person, by a person, a person i s truly so amazing!!!! in all their strange and poetic and complex and confusing and harmonious intercourse of body and soul and the beautiful motion of life from atoms smoothly flowing in a slow dancing invisible life-streams, LIfe! continually springing from this mysterious fountain of breath---- life! breeeathed into his nostrils in every instance of life once more being impregnated in the body in this very second. OK: I am sorry ppl- as of now i have no idea who/what i'm talking about...i think i mean the general existence of the human race..anyways we'll leave the interpretation up to some Ph. D, M. A. prof when I've been dead a while...where was I? yes- the person....even 1000 volumes written by one man can never fully reveal the essence of that man to you...(credit to this idea to Prof. Jenislawski, Theo 202) as depressing as that is....we can't even really get into Shakespeare's head (sorry, Holly-O-Dolly) and when you are i the presence of this person, the dynamic nature of life can be man one life..its a is a miracle...breathing is a miracle...and I just thought of this a second ago...but how amazing is this...when GOd breated life into Adam...."he breathed into his nostril the breath of life" first of all: HOW AMAZING WOULD THAT HAVE FELT, but to the point, we know from philosophy and theology, not only that a creature by nature must be continually created, but not only this, but GOd continually LOVE US INTO BEING....which mean that -- EVERY BREATH IS THAT FRIST BREATH OF ADAM....when God breathed into him the breath of life...creation is not an act in the past it is don't hold yer breath amici, participate in the creative action of GOd....yah know i diden't even get to the point yet...but i'm tooo tired now..tell the rest later....peace....GTG watch the brittas empire show, all should watch...( btw, that is one thing i also liked alOt, lol)
and protector
of chastity,
Saint Joseph,
in whose faithful custody was entrusted the very Innocence,
Jesus Christ
and the Virgin of virgins,
for this twofold and most loved token,
Jesus and Mary,
I pray and plead you
to help me always
to purely serve
Jesus and Mary
with an uncontaminated soul,
pure heart
and a chaste body.
Coldplay Love
X & Y is an I & O of the highest degree---Holly-bear: you must hear it now, right now.
If God gave the soul his whole creation she would not be filled thereby but only with Himself.
J. S.
My new soldier assignment for Soldier's Angel. He hasen't received a package in over six years since his deployment. His birthday is July 8. Everybody say a prayer for him.
AO2 Skinner, JL
HSL 52UNIT 25251
BOX 173
FPO AP 96601-5561
E E Cummings
)when what hugs stopping earth than silent ismore silent than more than much more is ortotal sun oceaning than any thistear jumping from each most least eye of starand without was if minus and shall beimmeasurable happenless unnowshuts more than open could that every treeor than all life more death begins to growend's ending then these dolls of joy and griefthese recent memories of future dreamthese perhaps who have lost their shadows ifwhich did not do the losing spectres mime until out of merely not nothing comesonly one snowflake(and we speak our names
Will Vacerro
Disclaimer: While talking to a guy friend about a 2 year old I played with on July 2nd at the beach, I found it amusing to note at the end of the converstaion, that he had mistaken me for talking about a GUY, when I said "I met this cute kid..."I slowly descended the grainy concrete steps from the boardwalk down to the beach, where I had watched him standing, pensively absorbing the horizen. Cautiously stepping onto the sand behind him I gently scratched his back and asked his name. His face fell upon mine as his eyes filled with ethereal light. I was swept up in the gaze, I was lost- pulled under- almost like his little plastic shovel which had caught in the swift ocean currents and drifted out of sight. Pulling him close to tickle him...............You lied Will!! You're not 3!!!! You're just 2-you lied to me Will....
Christian, I have loved you since I was eight years old, when Angela Ravioli babysat, and I insisted she bring Newsies everytime, cause you were in scriptum: HollyQ, he's from WAles! amaaaaaazing...
I like the way you write about the way I write
Sophia, I like the way you write... it's like a continuous stream of ideas hastily solidified into words... it cares less about the traditional rules of language, syntax, and grammar. It's an interesting form of creative writing.
Secret Chords
Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played,
and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew her
She tied you
To a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
You say I took the name in vain
I don't even know the name
But if I did, well really, what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light
In every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah
I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth,
I didn't come to fool you
And even though
It all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
1(a... (a leaf falls on loneliness)
iness-E. E. Cummings
Queen of Peace

I love this picture. When people come together to make peace incarnate, it is by their unity inside their Mother. All are her children; all have the same origin, in her womb. If they remember this calm, quiet seclusion inside of her, if they keep silence long enough, they'll realize in whose Presence they share inside of her, they are with Christ.